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Register Today

Apply online for the upcoming school year or call 843-332-1135 to request an application.

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Introducing the Board of Commissioners of the Darlington County Community Action Agency (DCCAA).

If you have any inquiries or are interested on joining the DCCAA Board of Commissioners, please get in touch with the Board Chairperson via the following contact information: Darlington County Community Action Agency, located at 325 W. Washington Street, Hartsville, SC 29550. You can reach us at telephone number 843-332-1135.

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Darlington County Community Action Agency offers assistance to help offset the costs of home energy expenses, alleviate emergencies and launch participants into independence. Apply today to see if we can help. To learn about the process, see what documents are required and start your application at home

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Head Start
Community Services Block Grant
Low Income Home and Energy Assistance Program
Youth Leadership Program
Additional Services
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Mission Statement
The mission of Darlington County Community Action Agency is to promote sustainable economic self-sufficiency by eliminating the causes of poverty through partnerships and programs to improve the standard of living of low-income individuals and families.

What's New

The DCCAA Board of Commissioners meets not less often than once per quarter normally on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Board meetings are virtual, open to the public, and access can be granted to anyone who wishes to participate consistent with applicable laws and regulations. 

Meeting ID: 815 4601 4952

Passcode: 120697

The DCCAA Head Start Policy Council normally meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. on a virtual basis. As Policy Council meetings normally occur prior to DCCAA Board of Commissioners meetings, for months where the fourth Thursday of the month precedes the fourth Monday, meetings of the Policy Council are rescheduled for the third Monday.

Support DCCAA!

We are always looking for volunteers that are interested in making a difference in the lives of those living in Darlington County. To learn more about where, and how to volunteer, click here​